Thursday, July 13, 2006

Take a Break - without Feeling Guilty

An excellent way to achieve some balance quickly is by taking a break without feeling guilty about it. It can be a day off, a weekend away, or even an afternoon away from work. We all need to be rejuvenated in order to be productive. Tired and "out-of-balance" people aren't nearly as productive as they could be with some rest, relaxation, and sheer enjoyment. Stephen Covey calls this time to sharpen our saw.

Last weekend I took the entire day on Saturday to rejuvenate. I had an absolute blast! I just needed time to myself - so I rented 4 DVDs and had my own film fest. I never even left the house the entire day! What a wonderful respite I had. And, believe me, it has had powerful carry-over into my work, too.

It doesn't have to be an elaborate event in order to have positive effects. The point is that this time off must be relaxing to you and must not make you feel guilty about taking the time away from other things. It is tremendously important to create balance in our lives in just this way. Taking a break is necessary for balance, productivity, and our overall mental and emotional well-being. Try it and see what happens in your life and in your work. My bet is that everyone around you will take note of the change. Give yourself permission to take a break without feeling guilty.

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