Monday, July 24, 2006

Attracting Success: Become Selfish

Thomas Leonard developed 28 principles of attraction that formed his book "The Portable Coach". This week I'm taking 5 of these principles of attraction to illustrate what I know to be true about attracting personal and business success.

Become incredibly selfish. Without you, there is nothing, and attraction isn't possible. Selfishness isn't always a negative character trait. When we become selfish in a positive way, we take care of ourselves and are able to grow and develop in ways never before experienced. No one attracts success when they are tired, run down, and drained. We can only attract success when we are fueled and energized. Our fuel and energy comes from our "selfishness" that creates boundaries that protect us.

Regardless of what we seek to attract - more business, more sales, more money, a stronger team - we must put ourselves first in certain ways. We must put ourselves first in terms of taking care of ourselves. We must eat the right foods, get rest and exercise. We must protect ourselves from influences that drain us or harm us in any way. We must realize that we are what we are selling. We must also realize that no one is buying "tired and worn out" when "fresh and energetic" is on the market, too. By becoming incredibly selfish, we become (and remain) fresh and energized.

A key way to attract success personally and in business is to become incredibly selfish.

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