Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Attract Success: Eliminate Delay

Eliminate delay. Time is expensive. Wasting time is very unattractive. Putting things off is unattractive. People do not buy from unattractive businesses when other options are available; therefore, eliminating delay is an excellent way to attract business, customers, and clients. Personally, this principle works to attract friends and colleagues as well.

But, eliminating delay does not mean rushing. Details are still important. Steps cannot be left out of important procedures. Eliminating delay refers to making the most of our time. Eliminating delay refers to removing the obstacles to our success. It doesn't mean working faster - it means working more efficiently and more productively. It means doing what is most important and doing it now. It means refusing to let the obstacle spin our wheels. It means refusing to let anything else get us off our game.

People and organizations who are slow to respond will get further and further behind. People and organizations who are most successful are the ones who eliminate delay.

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