Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Attract Success: Unhook Yourself from the Future

Unhook yourself from the future. Attraction works in the present, not in the future. No one wants to know what you're going to do, they want to know what you are doing. This principle of attraction works in your personal life as well as in your business life.

Too many times we wait for just the right moment, just the right job, just the right amount of money in our account, just the right weight in order to do something. And in the process of waiting, we miss the opportunity that now brings us. Now is the time to do whatever it is you need or want to do. Putting things off until an arbitrary date in the future immediately disempowers us. Even if we must have a future date for a project, there is nothing that prevents us from working on it or towards it today.

Unhook yourself from the future. Attraction works in the present, not in the future. How will you attract success today?

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