Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Time Management: Stop Talking and Start Doing

Too often we seem to run out of time because we either (1) spend too much time talking about all we have to do; or (2) we simply talk about too many ways to accomplish a particular item or project that must be done. We sometimes talk too much and never get around to doing what it takes to accomplish the major task at hand. Then too much time has passed and too many other things start piling up and we get even more and more behind - and more frustrated - and more overwhelmed.

I think the key is to stop talking and start doing. Sometimes just the action of doing something is motivational enough to stay with the project until it is completed. Often the hardest part of anything is simply getting started. Once we begin working, often the priority item is completed quickly - which is quite rewarding and motivational. And once we've accomplished one item or project, we are free of the burden that sometimes hangs around it!

Perfection is fine; however, there aren't many "perfect" solutions. Too often we wait way too long for the perfect way to do something - and waste valuable time, effort, and energy in the process. My solution is simply this: stop talking and start doing. Get it done. Feel the freedom it will bring. It is powerful and forward-moving just to complete a task. It energizes and moves us forward the rest of the day. Try it and see what happens.

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