Friday, August 11, 2006

What 3 Words Describe You?

What 3 words describe you at your best? What 3 words describe you at your worst? What 3 words describe you on a daily basis?

These adjectives create power and learning for you. When you are candid with yourself, you can fully express where you are in your personal and professional development. After identifying the words, are you satisfied with them? If you are, excellent! If you aren't, what do you do now? The power in this exercise is in defining and re-defining who we are. If we don't like who we are, we have the power to create something better.

Try this coaching exercise and see what happens. What did you learn? Were you surprised? Take it a step further and ask those around you for their input. Again, what did you learn? Did their words surprise you? What changes will you make as a result of these words?

If you'd like to experience this coaching exercise with me as a facilitator, please contact me and I'd be happy to take you through a complimentary session.

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