Monday, August 28, 2006

Lessons Learned

Today I'm thinking about all the lessons I've learned in the past years - about life and about business. One of the lessons I've learned is that things take longer than you want them to or need them to take. Why do things take longer? There are a number of reasons, I suppose; however, the one reason that keeps coming to mind is that no matter how well prepared you are, the timing is still not perfect. Since timing isn't perfect, things take longer!

Another lesson learned from my experience is that calm is power. When you are calm and others around you are not, you definitely have the edge and the upper hand. When you lose your calm demeanor, you lose control of all emotions and rational thoughts. Even if you just focus on remaining calm, you have an edge. And, once you lose composure, you can't take back what is said.

A third important lesson I've learned is that we have the power to make things happen. It isn't magic and it isn't mysterious. The power to make things happen consists of passion, motivation, determination, and persistence. We can't sit around and wait for something to happen - we must make it happen. And we must make it happen every single day.

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