Monday, January 07, 2008

Setting the Right Goals Makes All the Difference

This Week with Sara Fitts focuses on setting the right goals for your small business in order to get the best results in 2008. Another way of putting this might be found in this quote that I like to use with my clients: If we do not change direction, we are liable to end up where we are headed.

The Simple Little Formula I use with my clients to set goals is basically this:

  1. Begin with the end in mind. On December 31, 2008 where do you want your business to be? What results do you want to achieve? What is your vision of your business one year from now?
  2. Be specific. Use concrete language. Instead of saying "increased revenue" state how much of an increase in revenue is needed or desired. Be as specific as possible. If you aren't specific, how will you know if you have succeeded?
  3. Make your goals measurable. Use specific criteria in order to know whether or not you are successful in your actions. How will you know your plan is working? How will you know it isn't?
  4. Make sure you can reach the goals you set. Are they attainable? Is it realistic to believe that you can achieve the results you want? It is highly unlikely to increase revenue in 1 year by 200%. Make sure you set yourself and your small business up for success and not failure.
  5. Break each goal down into specific actions with deadlines for each action. This is the crucial piece that so often gets left undone. Give yourself time to reach the goal by putting a plan in place that will provide opportunities for success.
  6. Hold yourself accountable for all aspects of the goals, plans, and deadlines. You must be accountable for the results you plan to get. Know that you are accountable for your results period - good or bad. But set yourself up in order to get the best results possible.
  7. At the end of each deadline time frame, assess and evaluate your goals, your actions, and your results. Are you heading in the right direction? Do you need to make any small changes? Do you need to change direction? Are you pleased with your progress? How big is the gap between where you are and where you need and want to be? How can you improve?
  8. Each quarter review your numbers and your current results. [You may want to do this monthly instead.] Candidly assess and evaluate each piece of the overall plan. Make the changes that are necessary. Do the work that needs to be done in order to make 2008 your best year yet.
  9. Setting the right goals makes all the difference in your life and in your business.

If you would like to schedule a strategy session, please contact Sara L. Fitts to arrange it. 703.791.4741

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