Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Infographics as Teaching Tools

This Week with Sara Fitts looks at infographics as teaching tools to boost teaching and learning.  Several sites are available for free to create better presentations, posters, and any graphic to be used in your lessons.  Infographics make data come alive.  Infographics make learning simpler and easier.  Difficult concepts can be broken down into interesting shapes, colors, and designs that really stay with students and increase learning.

Some infographics are simple while others can be more involved.  Students can also create these as part of digital portfolios in any content area.  These are great tools for teachers and students - not to mention excellent tools in business, marketing, medicine, entertainment. There is really no arena where infographics could not be used.

There are several sites where you can easily get started.  Among them are , canva , , , and piktochart.  For a few minutes of work, you can create a visual that will increase learning in your classroom.

In this digital age we all need to be utilizing any tools that improve teaching and learning.  Inforgraphincs can simply be used to send important messages as well as subject-area content.

Please let me know how you use these tools in your classroom.  

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