Monday, March 24, 2008

Get in Gear for a Fabulous Spring

This Week with Sara Fitts is dedicated to making the most of the springtime and moving forward - regardless of the economy. I say this with all due respect and with all common sense; however, I truly believe that what we focus on expands - hence my focus on getting in gear and getting the economy moving rather than ringing our hands and suffering in the "what-if" mentality.

Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and self-employed professionals are extremely aware of the economic climate right now - regardless of industry or specialty. And that is a given. However, I propose that we all (I'm self-employed, too) refuse to focus on the doom and gloom and instead focus on getting in gear with the hopefulness of springtime.

Perhaps it is the Easter season or perhaps it is the spring or maybe it's just more daylight at the end of the workdays that has given me new hope and a feeling of hopefulness - even in the midst of bad economic news. I am forging ahead with a new sense of purpose and am encouraging my clients to do the same.

How can small business owners, entrepreneurs, and self-employed professionals get in gear and move forward right now? Here are some simple ways to shift the focus to the more positive aspects of our work.

  • Relieve your stress. Work out, exercise, engage in a sport or hobby, read a novel, watch a movie. Do anything that gives you a different perspective. Relax and enjoy some recreation.

  • If you have extra time as a result of lost business, take time to re-connect with your spouse, your friends, your family, your neighbors. Make the most of the time you have - every single day regardless of why you have extra time.

  • Volunteer in your community. Give something back to the community where you live or where you work. Be a mentor or tutor in a school. Coach a sport.

  • Make better financial decisions. Seek the help of financial experts. Save money everywhere you can. Cut costs everywhere you can. Cut back on your personal expenses where you can. Cut back on your business expenses where you can.

  • Revise your business plan to reflect the changes you need to make as well as those changes you have already made. Your business plan should be a working document and tool for your success.

  • Limit the amount of time you watch the news and read the financial and business reports. Remember, what you focus on expands!

These ramblings of mine today may help some of you - and some of you may think I've actually lost my mind. But I firmly believe that what we focus on expands. And I personally am focused on success and not failure.

I challenge all small business owners, entrepreneurs, and self-employed professionals to focus on success and all things positive and motivational - and to move forward in a spirit of hopefulness and newness in this springtime.

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