Wednesday, November 14, 2007

10 Ways to Recognize Your Employees

This Week with Sara Fitts continues ...Here are 10 ways you can recognize your hard-working employees. I strongly recommend employee recognition as a means of saying thank-you, rewarding hard work, and building morale that will last forever. I'd love to add to this list - so please let me know what you do to reward your employees.
  1. Lunch or dinner with the boss and management team.
  2. Give an afternoon off - or a day or two off.
  3. Construct a bulletin board with pictures, notes, letters, etc. celebrating employees.
  4. Design a unique trophy and present it formally - monthly or quarterly.
  5. Tickets for plays, concerts, shows - and include spouses[or dates] or the whole family.
  6. Designate a special parking place.
  7. Tickets for a world-class seminar at a resort - all expenses paid.
  8. Gift card - or gas card.
  9. Cater a company-wide luncheon for every employee.
  10. Magazine subscriptions [from a selected list], mp3 players, DVDs or CDs, coupons, books, or gym membership.

The point is to make the effort to have a recognition program in your organization. You can make it unique - or you can change it up to fit the particular occasion. My bet is that it will increase pride and ownership for every employee.

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