Thursday, July 12, 2007

10 Ways to Double Your Effectiveness and Productivity within a Week

This Week with Sara Fitts shares 10 ways to double your effectiveness and productivity within a week. If you employ these 10 suggestions, you will likely quadruple your results. If you employ even 1 or 2 of these suggestions, your efficiency and productivity will double. Try them and see what happens. These suggestions are based on more than 5 years and the successful and sustainable implementation by 500 people in various industries and careers. They are simple; however, they are powerful tools for success.

  1. Make the commitment to being more productive by refusing to put this off another day.
  2. Respond to problems immediately - and stop using band-aids. [Solved problems are problems that have been eliminated and therefore no longer exist.]
  3. Create and develop a culture of "Do it today" by refusing to put off any task that needs to be done.
  4. Have your own personal resource list of people, organizations, websites, etc. that can be used for accessing information and assistance.
  5. Ask for exactly what you want or need - and by when you want or need it. Accept nothing less.
  6. Cut in half your normal appointment block time. If you use 30 minute blocks of time, make them 15 minutes. If you use hour-long blocks, cut it down to 30 minutes.
  7. Get the information you need immediately. Don't wait until later.
  8. Expect twice as much from others - and you'll get it. Expect effectiveness and efficiency from yourself - and you'll get it, too.
  9. Stop saying "yes" when "no" is the correct answer. Protect yourself by saying "no" when you need to.
  10. Set up and utilize systems - software, hardware, voicemail, calendars - even sticky notes if they work for you - to your full advantage.

(C) 2007 Sara L. Fitts. All Rights Reserved.

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