Tuesday, May 22, 2007

10 Ways to Manage Your Time

This Week with Sara Fitts offers ways to manage your time. Here are 10 ways that you can implement today. After trying them for a week or so, you will definitely see their benefits.

  1. Write things down.
  2. Prioritize your tasks and projects. Do first things first.
  3. Plan your week.
  4. Say "no" when you need to say no.
  5. Don't do other people's work.
  6. Keep one calendar and put everything on it - personal, work, and family activities.
  7. Don't be a perfectionist. Get it done. Revisions can last a lifetime if you let them.
  8. Don't attempt the impossible. Candidly assess what is possible for you.
  9. Don't chase waterfalls. We all have seen how this eats up time and energy.
  10. Delete, shred, and throw away.

More time management tips will be available later this week. Check back to find them.

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