Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Keep Your Focus

This Week with Sara Fitts is about keeping your focus - no matter what you do to earn a living. Entrepreneurs, self-employed, small business owners, and any other person who works for a living knows this - but we often lose sight of what it takes to keep our focus when we are in the midst of running our businesses or living our lives. These are a few tips that I've learned along my way - some from clients, some from books, and a few from my father. I hope you find them helpful.

These are some tips to help you keep your focus:

  • Know what you want to do, why you want to do it, and what it will take to get it done
  • Be realistic about finances and timelines
  • Believe in all the possibilities that exist
  • Define your distractions and keep them away from you during work hours - you can do this!
  • Work at tasks for certain amounts of time - and keep these start and stop times sacred
  • Begin with the end in mind - keep your eye on the prize - know that you will reach the pot of gold
  • Exercise for energy, health, and fitness
  • Rest and relax
  • Know whose rules you are following - make your own rules
  • Define what drains you - and avoid your drains
  • Define what fuels you - and embrace these
  • Change your mindset to reflect what you want to focus on - and use the power of your mind to succeed
  • Take time to enjoy what you already have worked for and achieved - don't wait for it to be finished or perfected
  • Stay fresh by doing something new or something different

There are many ways to keep your focus and these are just a sampling of them. I'd love to hear from you on how you keep your focus.

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