Monday, February 04, 2008

International Coaching Week 2008

This Week with Sara Fitts announces and celebrates International Coaching Week 2008 this week. The purpose of International Coaching Week is to highlight the benefits of coaching - both business coaching and personal coaching. As I celebrate my profession this week, I plan to provide several free resources as my personal contribution to the profession.

Coaching is a forward-moving process that faciliates growth and development while targeting specific areas in one's life and in one's business. The coach has many roles within the coaching process. Some of the roles that a coach plays are:

  • motivator and cheerleader to keep you focused and moving forward
  • confidential sounding board
  • personal advisor and confidante
  • accountability
  • wake-up call when one is needed
  • personal team builder
  • a trusted source that provides different perspectives
  • a trusted colleague for self-employed professionals
  • candid commentator who holds nothing back
  • facilitator that moves you forward and helps you get solid results
  • someone who asks the hard questions - and expects answers
  • someone who asks the hard questions - and gets the answers

Coaching is a powerful tool for any business and any life - at least the ones who want to improve their results, their bottom line, and their productivity. This week there are many opportunities to sample my style of coaching - and I invite you to join me as I celebrate International Coaching Week 2008.

As a reader of this blog, you are invited to schedule a free coaching session with me. Please contact me via my website ( ), via email ( ) or via phone (703.791.4741). I look forward to showing you the power of coaching this week.